3D Animation
Maya - One of the best 3D animation Softwares out. They used it to create some of AVATAR (movie)! To find out more, CLICK HERE.
Cinema 4D - A great software with many unique features (made by Maxon). Especially good for movie trailers and text animations. To find out more, CLICK HERE.
Cinema 4D - A great software with many unique features (made by Maxon). Especially good for movie trailers and text animations. To find out more, CLICK HERE.
Autodesk Motion Builder - Started as a motion capture data editor and now is an application dedicated to 3D character animation. To find out more CLICK HERE!
NewTek LightWave 3D - A mature and less expensive 3D animation software. CLICK HERE to find out more
SideFX Houdini - a very advanced procedural 3D animation system renown for it's dynamics and particle effects - More information HERE.
Messiah Studio - Also known as Project Messiah is a newer 3D program with advanced animation tools used in Television, Feature Film and also in Game Development. Want to know more? Then CLICK HERE.
BSurfaces - The most popular free and open source for 3D animation. CLICK HERE to check it out!
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